
$ find . -type f | while read line ; do diff ../dokuwiki-2020-07-29/${line} ../rostin-stage/${line} &> /dev/null ; if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then echo $line ; fi ; done
  • deleting files listed in data/deleted.files
# cd dokuwiki-2020-07-29
# grep -v ^# data/deleted.files | while read line ; do if [[ -f $line ]] ; then echo $line ; rm -f $line ; fi ; done
  • if blank page is displayed after upgrade, there is likely a problem with some extension. Inspect /var/apache2/2.4/logs/error_log Apache error log to find out which extension is problematic and remove it from lib/plugins/ directory. Then re-install the extension(s) again after upgrade is done.


  • Cell Background - Allows user-defined background colored cells in tables
  • MathJax plugin - Enables MathJax (https://www.mathjax.org/) parsing of TeX math expressions in wiki pages
  • flowcharts - flowcharts utilizing Mermaid (https://mermaid-js.github.io) - requires changes in conf/entities.conf - see plugin's site for details
howtos/dokuwiki.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/29 09:48 by admin
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