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Solaris tips

HTTPS Apache web server

The goal is to run HTTPS Apache web server using Let's Encrypt certificate.

Let's encrypt

In order to get a certificate from Let’s Encrypt, it is necessary to demonstrate control over the domain. With Let’s Encrypt, it is done by using software that uses the ACME protocol which typically runs on a web host. For Solaris (and other OSes), there is an ACME client available.

Deployment of ACME client in Solaris zone running Apache

  • install
$ ssh carmon
# pkg install -v gnu-tar

$ mkdir ~/scripts
$ cd ~/scripts
$ wget -O
$ ./ install
  • issue a certificate
# chmod a+w /var/apache2/2.4/htdocs/
$ cd ~/

Howto merge pdf documents

$ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=out.pdf *.pdf

Howto convert plain text file to pdf

$ pr -f <file> | a2ps -1 -m -B --borders=no -o - | ps2pdf - - > /tmp/pr.pdf

Howto disable launching X on /dev/console

Can't just disable gdm(1m), since it takes care of launching Xnewt for Sun Ray thin clients. Instead, disabled just primary ConsoleKit seat by setting Hidden attribute to true in /etc/ConsoleKit/seats.d/ configuration file:

$ grep Hidden /etc/ConsoleKit/seats.d/

More info in console-kit-daemon(1m) man page.

Create new Mercurial repository

$ cd /data/hg
$ mkdir elektro
$ cd elektro
$ hg init
notes/solaris_tips.1619774993.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/30 11:29 by admin
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