gschem tips

Using custom symbols in schema

Specify locations of custom symbols in ~/.gEDA/gafrc configuration file:

(define gedasymbols "/data/smb/users/dambi/projects/gaf/sym")
(component-library (build-path gedasymbols "analog"))
(component-library (build-path gedasymbols "connector"))
(component-library (build-path gedasymbols "linear"))
(component-library (build-path gedasymbols "micro"))
(component-library (build-path gedasymbols "misc"))
(component-library (build-path gedasymbols "power"))

Generating BOM from schema

  • make a text file called 'attribs' listing the attributes you want in the BOM, for example:
$ print "value\nmanufacturer\nfootprint\nvendor\nvendor_part_number" > ./attribs
$ cat ./attribs

No need to explicitly specify 'refdes', it is always added.

  • Let gnetlist create the BOM and sort it using 'refdes'
$ gnetlist -g bom -o file1.sch
$ sort -o

Tabulator is used as a separator in this case. There is also a possibility to generate BOM with colon used as a separator:

$ gnetlist -g bom2 -o file1.sch

pcb tips

Customizing location of footprints

$ echo "lib-newlib = /home/dambi/projects/gaf/pcb-footprints" > ~/.pcb/settings

Since that setting has effect of replacing standard location of footprint library with the custom one, it is necessary to make footprints from standard library accessible in some way. To address that, symlinks from custom location to standard one were created for desired footprints, e.g.:

$ cd ~/projects/gaf/pcb-footprints/
$ ls -l 0805.fp 
lrwxrwxrwx   1 dambi    dambi         47 Jul 18 11:37 0805.fp -> /usr/local/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/geda/0805.fp

Useful links

notes/geda_tips.txt · Last modified: 2013/02/02 11:20 (external edit)
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