====== Solaris tips ====== ===== HTTPS Apache web server ===== The goal is to run HTTPS Apache web server using [[https://letsencrypt.org/|Let's Encrypt]] certificate. ==== Let's encrypt ==== In order to get a certificate from Let’s Encrypt, it is necessary to demonstrate control over the domain. With Let’s Encrypt, it is done by using software that uses the [[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555|ACME]] protocol which typically runs on a web host. For Solaris (and other OSes), there is an [[https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh|ACME client]] available. === Deployment of ACME client in Solaris zone running Apache === * install $ ssh carmon # pkg install -v gnu-tar $ mkdir ~/scripts $ cd ~/scripts $ wget -O acme.sh https://get.acme.sh $ ./acme.sh install $ crontab -l 48 0 * * * "/home/dambi/.acme.sh"/acme.sh --cron --home "/home/dambi/.acme.sh" > /dev/null * issue a certificate # chmod a+w /var/apache2/2.4/htdocs/ $ cd ~/.acme.sh $ ./acme.sh --issue -d tio.ddns.net -w /var/apache2/2.4/htdocs/ * install the certificate to Apache $ ./acme.sh --install-cert -d tio.ddns.net --cert-file /etc/apache2/2.4/letsencrypt/tio.ddns.net/cert.pem --key-file /etc/apache2/2.4/letsencrypt/tio.ddns.net/key.pem --fullchain-file /etc/apache2/2.4/letsencrypt/tio.ddns.net/fullchain.pem --reloadcmd "svcadm refresh apache24" $ chmod a+r /etc/apache2/2.4/letsencrypt/tio.ddns.net/key.pem === Configure Apache to use Let's Encrypt certificates === * enable SSL in Apache * [[https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/httpd/RedirectSSL|redirect HTTP to HTTPS ]] # vim /etc/apache2/2.4/httpd.conf ... Listen 80 Listen 443 ... LoadModule ssl_module libexec/mod_ssl.so ... ServerName tio.ddns.net Redirect / https://tio.ddns.net/ ServerName tio.ddns.net Protocols h2 http/1.1 SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/2.4/letsencrypt/tio.ddns.net/fullchain.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/2.4/letsencrypt/tio.ddns.net/key.pem ... # svcadm restart apache24 Jako alternativa viz článek [[https://www.root.cz/clanky/apache-pridava-podporu-let-s-encrypt-pro-https-staci-jeden-radek-konfigurace/|Apache & Let's Encrypt]] na Rootu. ===== Howto remove password from pdf document ===== $ qpdf --password=YOURPASSWORD-HERE --decrypt input.pdf output.pdf ===== Howto merge pdf documents ===== $ pdfunite pdf1.pdf pdf2.pdf ... out.pdf or $ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=out.pdf *.pdf ===== Howto convert plain text file to pdf ===== $ pr -f | a2ps -1 -m -B --borders=no -o - | ps2pdf - - > /tmp/pr.pdf ===== Howto disable launching X on /dev/console ===== Can't just disable **gdm(1m)**, since it takes care of launching Xnewt for Sun Ray thin clients. Instead, disabled just primary ConsoleKit seat by setting **Hidden** attribute to **true** in **/etc/ConsoleKit/seats.d/00-primary.seat** configuration file: $ grep Hidden /etc/ConsoleKit/seats.d/00-primary.seat #Hidden=false Hidden=true More info in **console-kit-daemon(1m)** man page. ===== Create new Mercurial repository ===== $ cd /data/hg $ mkdir elektro $ cd elektro $ hg init